
Monday, August 17, 2009

I Found the Hottest Tribal Tattoo For My Guy Friend and Now the Ladies Are Swarming!


One night a few weeks ago I was visiting a tattoo membership site I belong to, just looking at tribal tattoos and what not for myself. I saw so many awesome designs I just didn't have a spot in mind for one yet. I figured when I saw the right tribal tattoo, It'd hit me where to put it.
Well it sure hit me alright, just not for MY body.
I knew one of my guy friends had been talking about getting a tribal tattoo for forever now but he hasn't been as diligent in his search efforts. Plus, he hasn't had all the insider access that I do, yet.
I couldn't wait to show him so I took a picture of my screen and sent it to him via text message along with, "Wake up and check this out!" He called back immediately talking about how awesome it looked, how it goes perfect with where he was wanting to get inked, asking where I found it, blah, blah, blah. It was a whirlwind of excitement, trust me.
I told him about the tattoo membership site and apparently he lives under a rock because has never heard of them before. I'm sure I've mentioned it to him but maybe he forgot.
Anyhow, I explained the benefits of having his own account with them, like 24/7 access, tons of brand new designs, a search tool for a tattoo shop and tattoo artist, pretty much everything except getting the actual ink job done. Needless to say, he was sold.
So over the next few days, he visited the site and narrowed his favorite tribal tattoos down to about three, one of which was the first one I showed him. From then, he asked my opinion (smart guy), found a very talented artist that was more than happy and qualified to do the job for him, and he finally got his new tribal tattoo.
I gotta tell you, it's very very sexy. He's got a nice build already so the way the tat forms over his shoulder and pec muscles looks oh so lovely! A few parts of the design come up the side of his neck, which peek out of his shirt. I always catch females checking out his tribal tat, even if that's all they see is the top part. I guess it makes for an easy ice-breaker.
Seems like his new tribal tattoo did more for him than just express his artistic side; I can't even get a hold of the dude anymore! In the midst of all these chicks though, I know he won't forget the one who helped him pick out his newest addition.

Finding the Best Back Tattoo Designs For You


Since your back is the flattest and widest part of your body, it makes some sense that it is perfect location for a tattoo. And since the "canvas" is so large, you can be creative with the back tattoo designs. A lot of people start off with a small tattoo design or two on their backs before migrating to a large tattoo that connects everything together.
And the process can cover a period of time because quite frankly, the large back tattoo designs requires a lot of thinking. And why? Obviously because the tattoo design covers a large area, it will be very difficult and expensive to remove if you have regrets. So for most people, taking it slow and easy by starting off with a back tattoo or two is the perfect way to go before going all out and getting a single large tattoo for the back area.
Again, I strongly urge you to put a lot of thought into your back tattoo design BEFORE you get it done! And for anyone who never had a tattoo done before, there is nothing wrong with getting a small tattoo or two at first. Just to see how you like them because tattoos are not for everyone.
To start off, I suggest that you check out the tattoo studios in your area. And take the time to explore the tattoo design possibilities. Do not feel rushed. If a tattoo artist tries to rush you or you feel uncomfortable with them, walk away and find someone else. But find a good tattoo artist that you absolutely feel good about. I say this for two reasons. First of all, that tattoo artist must be a good one, not necessarily a cheap one. Because many times, you get what you pay for. And tattoos are pretty permanent. So get a good one. The second thing that is very important is how they treat their equipment and how careful they are with it. It is very important for them to follow the regulations and rules to prevent passing any diseases to you. You only want a tattoo, not a death sentence or a lousy design imprinted on your back.
And when you do find a tattoo studio that looks promising. If the tattoo artist is good or has a lot of confidence in his or her abilities, they are going to allow you to look at their flash designs in books. If you find a design that you like, more the better! And the variety and depth of many tattoos will astonish you.
The flash tattoo designs that you find at the old-school tattoo studios will have animals of all kinds, butterflies, dragons, fantasy art, nature scenes, tribal style tattoos, Asian art and lettering, Celtic knots, flowers and skulls. You name it and they have it.
And your tattoo artist is going to have a portfolio of their best work in a book. And you may like one or two of them. My suggestion is to try to customize it a little so that your tattoo is original and fresh. Looking at the photographs of other back tattoo designs might give you some inspiration on what design that appeals to you.
Don't forget to do a little crawling on the Internet for some other back tattoo designs and ideas. There are sites that have a huge gallery of flash tattoo designs that you can download (usually for a fee) and print out for your tattoo artist to trace on your back.
Another good source for tattoo design ideas can be the tattoo magazines that you find at your bookstores. For those who are more creative and a pretty good artist can even design their own tattoo!
But even if you are NOT a good artist, don't let that stop you. There are tons of awesome tattoo designs that appeals to every single whim and taste. The only thing you need to decide on is the colors, shading and size of the tattoo. A good tattoo artist can help you out with that one.
And after you done your research, you can gather all the ideas together and try to come up with the most perfect tattoo design for you! And while trying to decide what exactly you want, consider a design that perfectly encapsulates of who you are and what you are all about. A great tattoo is one that reflects the best characteristics of you, one that inspires you to greatness, makes you laugh or makes you remember something very important and meaningful to you.
So there you are. You can choose to get a full back tattoo, a lower back tattoo, or a shoulder blade tattoo. The choice is yours but take the time to look at all the possible tattoo designs before choosing the final tattoo design for you. Doing so ensures that when you are getting tattooed, you know it is going to be a great one and you will be proud of it too. Tattoos are almost permanent and you will love it for the rest of your life.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Dragon Tattoos Designs - Tips on How to Get Such Meaningful Tattoo Designs


Dragon tattoos designs are considered to be one of those very popular designs that people are dying to have drawn into their bodies. These designs are usually singled out and adored so much mainly because the dragons are always associated by people to having strength, bravery, and power. If you are one of those millions of people all over the world who are bent on having their bodies inked with such dragon tattoos designs, then this article is for you. Here are some of the other things that you need to know in order for you to understand more about the concept of getting such dragoon tattoos on your body.
First and foremost, such dragon designs showcase a feeling of fearlessness which is a very important factor to being successful. If you have the guts to conquer, then more or less, you will be one of those people who will go for such dragon tattoo designs. After all, the tattoo you will wear will always be a reflection or mirror of what you truly want to become. Choose your tattoo designs wisely.
Protection and security are two of the other basic things that are represented by such designs. Such images serve as a representation or symbol of the person's total personality, or better yet, of his future dreams and ambitions as well. They may even suggest one's desires, wants, needs or longings for being protected and being secure at all times. By inking such markings in their very own physical body, it more or less strengthens or intensifies their beliefs of acquiring such traits and values.
What is more, there are what we call the European, as well as the Asian dragons which are the ones most frequently used as far as dragon tattoo designs are concerned. Both of these tattoo designs actually originate from a rich tradition and myths, which make the symbol of dragons much more worthwhile. The European dragons are actually those that are regularly exemplified in medieval times, if not as a castle guard, then as a frightening sentry.
On the other hand, you can also choose the Asian tattoo designs which have a sense of balance when talking about good and evil. These dragon designs in fact, represent not only power but also a great sense of mystery, goodwill, brainpower, knowledge, protection, supernatural powers, and of benevolence. While the dragons are considered to be both a fearsome and placid creature, the more the people are adhered to using them and making them a part of their bodies used as accessories.
In addition, there are also what you call the Chinese tattoo designs that come with fixed characteristics. While the Horned dragon is considered to be the strongest or mightiest, the Celestial dragons are believed to be the ones to watch over the mighty heavens and the one that protects God. In fact, there is still a long queue of dragons for discussion; but the most important thing is research if you want to end up with the best dragon tattoo designs for you.

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